Accounts Software Receivable Solution: A Step-By-Step Guide For The C-Suite

Accounts Software Receivable

Order to cash Softwaresolutions are increasing in popularity as their cost effectiveness, scalability, and reliability make them attractive to companies of all sizes and industries. In this guide, we will explore the components of accounts software receivable solutions, and discuss how to set up and use them to streamline and automate the order to cash process with confidence.

First, let us go over the basics. Accounts software receivable solutions are highly configurable solutions for companies which require simple to complex Accounts Receivable processes. Typically, these solutions include an Accounts Receivable component, Accounts Payable component, and Cash Management component. The Accounts Receivable component allows customers to track invoices, payments, and collections. The Accounts Payable component allows vendors to track invoices and payments due to them. Finally, the Cash Management component provides tools that enable companies to optimally manage cash flows.

Now that we have general understanding of what accounts software receivable solutions are, let’s begin the set-up process.


1. Assessing Needs Assessing the needs of your organization is an important step in determining which accounts receivable solution would be good fit. It is important to identify specific challenges and areas of improvement, decide on any customization needs, and outline organizational goals.

2. Choosing Solution After assessing the needs of your organization, it is time to choose the right accounts receivable solution. It is important to ensure that the solution you choose offers all of the features needed to meet your defined requirements.

3. Configuring the Solution Once you select an accounts receivable solution, configure it according to the specifications you outlined in the Needs Assessment. This includes setting up customer and vendor profiles, defining payment terms and invoices, customizing invoices, and establishing permission levels.

4. Testing and Training After configuring the accounts receivable solution, it is essential to thoroughly test the system to ensure it is running properly. You will want to train all users on the solution so that everyone knows how to use it effectively.

Using the Solution

1. Automated Invoice Generation Once the solution has been set up, you can begin using it to streamline your order to cash process. Automated invoice generation, along with customizable templates and invoice numbers, can help companies save time and maintain accuracy.

2. Automated Payment Tracking The accounts receivable solution can be used to track payments, both manually and automatically. Automated payment tracking can help ensure accurate and timely tracking of payments, which can ultimately improve cash flow and maintain customer relationships.

3. Reporting and Analytics Finally, the solution can be used to generate reports and analyze data, which can be used to gain insights and make informed decisions. The reporting and analytics capabilities of the solution can help companies improve their operations and processes.


Accounts software receivable solutions can be used to streamline and automate the order to cash process with confidence. By assessing needs, choosing solution, configuring the solution, testing and training, and then leveraging automated invoice generation, automated payment tracking, and reporting and analytics capabilities, companies can make the most of their accounts receivable solutions.