E-Procurement For Executives: A Source-To-Pay Solution Primer

What E-Procurement

E-procurement has revolutionized the way modern businessesource, track and pay for goods and services. This comprehensive guide will provide executives in the accounting and finance departments with comprehensive overview of what e-procurement is, how source-to-pay solution can help streamline the process and increase overall visibility into the procurement and payment process.

What Is E-Procurement?

E-procurement is the the process of electronically processing the purchase of goods, services or resources. An effective e-procurement strategy can result in streamlined workflow, improved visibility, cost reduction, increased accuracy and improved efficiency. E-procurement utilizes technology such as web-based software to source, manage, monitor and pay for goods and services.

How Does Source-to-Pay Solution Work?

A source-to-pay solution is comprehensive e-procurement solution that removes the manual effort associated with processing the purchase of goods, services or resources. The software automates the entire purchase-to-pay process with an easy-to-use, cloud-based platform. This platform will provide the following capability; source and manage suppliers, create purchase orders and track delivery and receipt of goods and services, review invoices and submit payments.

Benefits of Using Source-to-Pay Solution

The key benefit of using source-to-pay solution is that it allows business to efficiently manage the entire purchase-to-pay process with one platform, thereby saving time and money. business can streamline processes associated with sourcing, delivery and payment, track the status of purchases, flag and prevent fraudulent activity, ensure compliant payments and ensure that costs stay within budget. Utilizing source-to-pay solution can help an organization to reduce their overall costs by decreasing manual effort, increasing visibility into the purchasing and payment processes, while also providing secure and reliable payment systems.

How to Implement Source-to-Pay Solution

Step 1: Identify Stakeholders and Processes

The first step to implementing source-to-pay solution is to identify the key stakeholders and processes involved with the organizations purchase-to-pay process. This should include suppliers, internal departments such as finance, accounts payable and procurement, and any other external stakeholders, such as auditors or regulators.

Step 2: Review Procurement Policies and Processes

The second step is to review existing policies and processes. This will help to identify any areas that need to be revised or updated as part of introducing the new source-to-pay solution.

Step 3: Develop Reports

The third step is to develop reports to ensure that the data being tracked by the solution is accurate, up-to-date and easily understandable. It is important to ensure that the data is easily accessible and accessible by all stakeholders.

Step 4: Test and Implement the Solution

Once the data has been gathered and reports have been developed, it is important to ensure the accuracy of the data and the accuracy of the report before the source-to-pay solution is implemented. This will help ensure that the data being reported is accurate and up-to-date.

Step 5: Monitor and Review the Source-to-Pay Solution

Once the source-to-pay solution has been implemented it is important to monitor and review the solution on regular basis to ensure that it is working effectively and accurately. It is also important to review the data and reports regularly to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date.


E-procurement, and specifically source-to-pay solution, can provide executives in the accounting and finance departments with comprehensive overview of the entire purchase-to-pay process and enable them to streamline operations; ensure cost savings; ensure accurate and transparent records; and increase visibility into the purchasing and payment processes. Implementing source-to-pay solution requires systematic approach and regular review and monitoring to ensure that the data and reports are accurate, up-to-date, and accurate.