Payment Execution With Source-To-Pay Solutions


The digital age has presented new wave of financial and operational management tools, and many of todays businesses find themselves turning to Source-to-Pay Solution to get better handle on their finances. Such tool enables financial institutions to better manage the entire purchase process, from invoice-authorization to payment execution. It also provides more encompassing view of companies purchasing function, offering deep insights into where the most spending is being done, which vendors are (or are not) offering the best prices, and more.

In this guide we’ll explore the basics of using Source-to-Pay Solution and discuss the operational and financial benefits that it can provide.

Step 1: Understand the Basics

The first step when getting started with Source-to-Pay Solution is to become familiar with how it works. In general, Source-to-Pay system is designed to automate and streamline the purchasing process, from beginning to end. It provides comprehensive view of businesses spend, capturing data on both traditional purchase orders and transactions within E-Commerce sit is. Most Source-to-Pay tools also provide financial management capabilities, such as invoice authorizations and payments.

Step 2: Choose Source-to-Pay Solution

Once you have good understanding of how Source-to-Pay Solution works, the next step is to choose the right solution for your business. When selecting system, there are several factors to consider, from the size and complexity of your company to the type of data you are looking to capture. Additionally, you’ll want to evaluate the functionality of the various solutions on the market to ensure that the system you choose offers all of the features and capabilities that your business requires.

Step 3: Set up Your Source-to-Pay System

Assuming you have selected Source-to-Pay Solution that matches your business needs, the next step is to set it up. This typically involves mapping out your data and transferring the appropriate purchase-related information into the software. If you’ve adopted system that allows for automated invoice-authorization and payment processes, you?ll likely need to connect your existing financial accounts (eg, bank accounts) to the system. Additionally, many systems also require that user access rights be set up and configured.

Step 4: Monitor Performance

Once your Source-to-Pay Solution is up and running, you?ll want to monitor performance in order to fully maximize the utilization of the product. This step should include things like tracking spend and payment trends and auditing invoices. Most Source-to-Pay Solutions will provide the necessary tools to make this process as straightforward and efficient as possible.

Step 5: Utilize Leverage

Finally, your Source-to-Pay Solution also offers you the unique opportunity to leverage the data, analysis, and insights you?ve gathered during the course of your operation. To gain the full benefit of your system, you’ll want to use that data to negotiate better prices and payment terms with your suppliers and vendors, identify additional cost-savings opportunities, and identify any potential areas of improvement.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be well-equipped to properly set up and use your Source-to-Pay Solution. Having such tool allows for more efficient financial management, easier data tracking and analysis, and, if leveraged properly, higher cost-savings. With the right Source-to-Pay Solution properly configured, businesses should be able to reap the full benefits of better financial management.