Purchasing Perils: The Risk Of Forgoing Automated Software


The decision whether or not to implement automated software for purchasing can be tricky one for finance executives. it is one fraught with both risks and rewards that must be carefully weighed in order to arrive at an informed decision that makes the most sense for the organization. Organizations that neglect to make the transition to automated software may be sacrificing efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings.

The source-to-pay process is the backbone of an efficient purchasing system. In the traditional approach, series of manual parts must take place. shopper must identify the necessary purchasing goods, do market research to assess the price and availability of the goods, then send purchase order to the supplier. The supplier then sends an invoice for payment which the organization must review, approve, and eventually pay. All of these steps require considerable amount of time and can be prone to human error.

Manual purchasing processes are not only slow and labor-intensive, but they are also very costly. This is because manual processes bring with them the risk of inefficiency caused by miscalculations, duplication of goods, and inaccurate payment due dates. It can also be difficult to manage the sheer amount of data generated by the purchase order process. Organizations are therefore more likely to manually process purchase orders if they haven?t adopted an automated system.

However, if an organization opts to implement automated software, they can reap variety of rewards. Automated software ensures that all transactions are processed quickly and accurately. It also reduces the risk of human error by eliminating the need for manual data entry. Additionally, automated software enables organizations to set up packages, discounts, and payment terms in bulk?saving precious time and likely yielding cost savings. Lastly, automated purchase orders enable organizations to access full view of their purchases, making for more effective budgeting and easier compliance with both internal and external regulations.

Organizations may take variety of approaches to the implementation of automated purchase software. Some may opt for complete system overhaul, while others may prefer to integrate automated software into their existing purchasing system. Whichever route the organization decides is best, it pays to utilize solutions that offer deep integration with other cornerstone components of finance. With such solution, departments can work together to streamline processes, managing every step from supplier sourcing to invoice approval.

The right source-to-pay software solution can reap many rewards for the organization, ranging from more efficient purchasing processes and cost savings to improved visibility into all purchasing aspects. Yet, before purchasing solution, finance executives need to ensure that they choose the right provider. To do so, they should assess supplier certifications, ensure compatibility, read user reviews, check out free trials and demos, and, ultimately, be certain that the software meets all of the organizations source-to-pay needs.

It may be difficult to transition away from manual purchasing processes, but, ultimately, automating operations reaps far greater rewards. it is important for finance executives to weigh the risks and rewards when it comes to the decision whether or not to automate the sourcing-to-pay process. Doing so may prove to be the difference between an organization taking leap forward or remaining stuck in inefficient processes of the past.