What the report covers:

How would your organization respond if its cash flow is disrupted?

Businesses with low cash reserves or unstable revenues are particularly vulnerable to cash flow disruption. But even businesses that appear to be on solid financial footing are not immune to cash flow issues, depending on how long it takes for customer demand and supply chains to rebound.

While economic downturns are inevitable, one way for organizations to manage cash crunch is to rethink the way that they invoice their customers. Traditional paper-based approaches to invoicing customers create lots of friction that can delay payments and negatively impact cash flow.

This IOFM (Institute of Finance Management) whitepaper, “How to Ease Cash Crunch with e-Invoicing, examines how e-Invoicing can improve cash flow and build business resilience to economic disruptions.

What you will learn:

  • The importance of invoicing
  • The problems with paper invoices
  • How e-Invoicing accelerates cash flow
  • Strategies for achieving optimum cash flow