Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

The Problem with Portals

Portals are nice and many customers find them useful; especially for copy documents, but faced with logons and passwords many customers opt for convenience.

Mastering DSO Billing: Tips for Credit Professionals

e-Invoicing eliminates the daily annoyances that stand in the way of achieving DSO targets; mis-sold and badly fulfilled orders, late, wrongly issued and undelivered or lost invoices.

The Paperless Office: A Dream or a Reality?

A paperless office is one whereby all internal communication, as well as B2B and B2C relations are conducted electronically.

Limitations of E-billing

As with any new system, e-billing and its implementation can present some limitations.

Mass Mailing and Electronic Document Distribution

Electronic document distribution is a form of mass mailing which relies on a document management system to automate the sending of documents electronically.

Security of Transactional Document Distribution Methods

The term transactional document distribution refers to the sending of all papers involved in a B2C or B2B transaction. If not done safely, this can result in sensitive information being violated.

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