Budget Optimization Solutions for Customer Call Center Spend

Corcentric’s call center experts understand how important customer satisfaction and retention are to your organization and will help you source a customer contact center provider that can be trusted to manage these critical customer relationships.

One experience with a customer service representative can make or break a customer’s decision to purchase your products or services, making managing customer relationships a critical focus for companies both large and small. Whether inquiring about a new service, or asking vital questions regarding a product recall, customers want to be assisted by reliable experts. However, answering constant customer calls can be a major disruption to other operational tasks and burden your internal resources. Partnering with a customer contact center who understands your company and its products/services, and is able to provide your customers with the utmost care, will alleviate this responsibility from your employees while ensuring your customer relationships are properly managed.

However, sourcing the right call center provider and negotiating best-in-class pricing, terms, and conditions can be complex. While all of these provider’s work to improve customer satisfaction and retention rates, each varies immensely in scope and capability, from fielding customer inquiries to distributing marketing collateral via email or social media. It is important that your procurement team understands the services and capabilities required for your organization. Customer contact center services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Multichannel communication, including print, email, voice, and social media
  • Addressing customer inquiries, complaints, and concerns, as well as marketing and upselling through various channels
  • Supporting, integrating with, and managing key technology systems related to customer relationship management, communication, and reporting (including:Customer Response System Software and license management, and reporting capabilities covering aspects of case record such as brand, method of communication, consumer info, etc.
  •  Ability to recommend and provide best practice solutions for knowledge base software tools

Corcentric can help. Our extensive experience helping brand and industry leaders has given us unparalleled insight into best practices for contact center procurement. Corcentric’s customer call center strategic sourcing experts will assist you in choosing a partner who will meet your customer service needs, paying close attention to the features important to your organizational goals. Whether you’re looking for a customer contact center with an optimal training program for customer service representatives, or scalability to new geographical areas or inclusion of additional brands / products, we’ll tailor our proven strategic sourcing process to your needs, including:

  • Evaluate current and future customer service needs
  • Understand any existing or past customer contact center relationships
  • Develop detailed scope of work, including types of services required, value-added services, and other qualitative aspects of the relationship, such as cultural fit
  • Execute a Request for Proposal (RFP) to evaluate capabilities and experience, as well as collect pricing proposal based on call volumes and service requirements
  • Analyze pricing proposals, specifically hourly rates, technology fees, and fulfillment fees
  • Evaluate qualitative responses based on predetermined selection criteria
  • Establish a competitive, transparent compensation structure outlining hourly rates, service rates, and other expenses
  • Implement a best-in-class contract, including SLAs and KPIs (such as attrition, customer service levels, social media handle time, etc.) to ensure service levels and overall client expectations are met

Our customer interaction center strategic sourcing experts understand the importance of customer satisfaction and are equipped to help you navigate the complexity of choosing a contact center provider that is the right fit for your organization. We will work with your organization to identify a call center partner able to support your overall brand management efforts while ensuring the compensation structure is competitive.

Don’t worry about sourcing this critical customer relationship management service on your own – contact Corcentric’s contact center strategic sourcing experts today.


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