Optimizing Your Strategic Sourcing Service With Source-To-Pay Software


Organizations seeking to optimize their strategic sourcing service have long sought comprehensive solution to address the many moving parts of the sourcing process. With the right tools, it is possible to gain valuable insight into the source-to-pay process, enabling more efficient and effective procurement and implementation.

For many executives within the finance department, source-to-pay software is the preferred approach as it provides superior organizational control and helps to reduce operational costs. While there are variety of platforms and options available on the market, finding the most appropriate solution for any given companies needs can be difficult process. This article provides step-by-step guide for executives seeking the optimal source-to-pay software solution for their organization.

Step 1: Define Strategic Objectives

The first step in prudent selection of source-to-pay software solution is to determine the organizations primary objectives. This should be done with input from both the executive management team and purchasing employees. Identify the most important elements of the desired software and rank them in order of priority.

Step 2: Identify Which Capabilities are Essential

The next step is to determine which specific capabilities or features of source-to-pay software solution are the most important to the organization. Examples may include scalability, compatibility with existing enterprise solutions, interfacing with suppliers, analytics, and reporting. Each individual organizationshould evaluate its priorities and capabilities, and then identify the essential capabilities that must be met in order to provide the desired functionality.

Step 3: Research Vendors and Options

After the essential capabilities have been identified, it is then time to begin research on potential source-to-pay software solutions. This is where it is important to determine how various vendors compare and whether or not those solutions are equipped to handle the needs of the organization. Executives should explore reviews and ratings, customer testimonials, and customer service capabilities to gain comprehensive evaluation of the available options.

Step 4: Analyze Cost and Value

While cost should not be the only factor considered when selecting source-to-pay software provider, it ishould be key consideration due to its direct effect on the organizations bottom line. It is important to compare the costs associated with each vendor in terms of setup and implementation, maintenance, and licensing. Be sure to factor in any operational cost savings or additional value that the software may offer over its lifetime.

Step 5: Pen Down Requirements Evaluation Criteria

Once potential vendors have been identified and pricing evaluated, it is time to put pen to paper in order to craft list of evaluation criteria. This can include functional requirements, logistics, technical considerations, pricing, and timelines. This document should be shared with every vendor to ensure thorough evaluation.

Step 6: Invite Vendors for Demonstration Selection

With list of criteria in hand and all options evaluated for pricing and value, it is time to invite vendors for demonstration of their respective solutions. By organizing face-to-face meeting where each vendor can demonstrate their solution, the executive team can gain greater sense of the specifics and make more informed decision.

Step 7: Negotiate Analyze Legal Agreements

By this stage it is likely that preferred vendor has been identified. Before proceeding, however, it is important to ensure that all legal agreements are analyzed and that any necessary adjustments or customization is negotiated before signing. Executives should also ensure that terms and conditions are thoroughly reviewed, that there is an acceptable dispute resolution process in place, and that all state and federal regulations are taken into consideration.

Step 8: Implementation

Once the legal documents have been finalized, it is time to implement the source-to-pay software solution. Depending on the vendor selected, this may include training and support, or guide that provides detailed instructions on how to set up the software, import any existing data, and manage the system. If managed service provider has been engaged, then implementation will be handled in coordination with the provider.

Step 9: Continuous Improvement

The implementation of source-to-pay software solution is but the first step in longer process of continuous improvement. Organizations should strive to continually evaluate their processes and needs when it comes to strategic sourcing service, and should use the data and analytics provided by the software to identify and capitalize on areas of opportunity. Additionally, regular maintenance and training should be conducted in order to ensure that the system is working efficiently, and that users and staff are comfortable with the system.


The selection of source-to-pay software solution is critical step for any organization looking to streamline and optimize its strategic sourcing service. By following the nine steps outlined in this article, executives can be assured that they have taken all the necessary steps to choose the optimal solution for their organization. With the right software in place, organizations can gain valuable insight into their source-to-pay process and reap the benefits of more efficient and effective procurement.